WHY UNIFIED Reinvents Dropshipping With Dropship PLUS?


WHY UNIFIED Reinvents Dropshipping – With 2.2 billion people around the world shopping online and a global e-commerce market worth $5 trillion, it comes as no surprise that dropshipping is one of the fastest-growing entrepreneurships on the planet. While it can be lucrative, the truth is that the vast majority of dropshipping businesses inevitably fail. Why Unified, a unique platform that combines dropshipping and marketing management, aims to change all that with its Dropship PLUS plan.

The Current Standard Isn’t Good Enough

Dropshippers around the world traditionally utilize AliDropship for all their e-commerce store needs. While the features and benefits sound good on paper, a shocking number of users’ stores fail. The most common problems AliDropship users face include:

  • Long delivery times. When consumers buy from AliDropship-powered e-commerce stores, the delivery times are often 14 days or more. In many cases, the products are warehoused overseas, and shipping them to the United States can take weeks. In today’s climate, a shipping time of more than two days is unacceptable. Consumers have become used to instant gratification, and successful e-commerce stores need to deliver.
  • Product quality issues. Aside from the long wait, many consumers who buy from AliDropship-powered stores receive products that don’t live up to their expectations. Imagine waiting two or more weeks for a product, only to receive a poor-quality item that doesn’t work as expected.
  • Unknown products. Products that are shipped by AliDropship come from unknown brands, and they aren’t vetted before being added to the catalog. When consumers don’t recognize the brand name, they are reluctant to buy.
  • Lack of insight or knowledge about dropshipping. AliDropship provides the plugins you need to get started, but that’s all it provides. You will need knowledge, skill, and time to figure it all out. Many dropshippers find that they need to pay for five or more premium addons to use the plugin with any success at all.
  • Unsuccessful marketing. AliDropship comes with zero marketing tools, which means it’s completely up to the user to design and develop a marketing plan, then execute and analyze it. Many people go to college for four years to learn how to market a business successfully, so it’s extremely difficult for an entrepreneur with little to no experience. Without any kind of support, dropshippers who just want a successful online store will likely fail.

AliDropship offers basic dropshipping tools that make it possible for its users to open and manage a online store, but it lacks almost everything those stores need to be truly successful. That’s where Why Unified comes in.

How Why Unified is Changing the Game?

Why Unified is an all-in-one platform that gives dropshippers everything they need to be successful. In fact, with their Dropship PLUS plan, entrepreneurs can simply sit back and watch their stores make money. The monthly subscription package solves 99% of the problems that lead e-commerce stores to failure. With Dropship PLUS from Why Unified, users receive features that have never been available in the dropshipping space before.

Access to Brand-Name Products

Dropship PLUS gives its users access to brand-name products from household names like Crest, Starbucks, Airborne, and others. This is revolutionary because it helps dropshippers build trust with their audiences, and where there is trust, there is revenue. These brands have been vetted not only by Why Unified, but by millions of consumers around the world.

Exceptional Profit Margins

Before Dropship PLUS, it was difficult for small e-commerce brands to hold a candle to major players like Walmart and Amazon. Even if they could get their hands on brand-name products that consumers actually wanted to buy, it often made no sense to do so due to low profit margins. Why Unified’s Dropship PLUS plan completely changes the game by sourcing these items in bundles and providing its users with product prices that are up to 40% lower than retail. The profit margins are highly competitive, and they are often higher than even the biggest e-commerce giants.

Two-Day Shipping

The other issue that dropshippers struggle with is shipping times. When items are warehoused and shipped from overseas, they can take weeks to reach the consumer, and most consumers are not willing to wait. For this reason, many small dropshipping businesses have no chance against Walmart and Amazon, companies that can put products in their customers’ hands in two days. Dropship PLUS changes the game forever by offering dropshippers the very same fast shipping that the major players offer their customers.

There’s Still More

The difference between Why Unified and its nearest competitor are very clear, but there’s still so much more on offer. Why Unified is a completely hands-off experience, which means all you have to do is decide what you want to sell and let the Why Unified team handle the rest. If you don’t already have a store set up, they’ll build one for you based on your preferences. Then, they’ll market that store for you and process every single sale themselves.

The Dropship PLUS plan from Why Unified is the most complete dropshipping plan in the world today. Furthermore, when you choose PLUS, Why Unified is the direct supplier. A shorter supply chain almost always translates to a better overall customer experience, and that great customer experience is what will grow your brand.

The Consumer Experience Reimagined

The best way to see exactly how Why Unified is reinventing dropshipping across the globe is to imagine yourself as a consumer who is shopping for coffee K-cups online. You are presented with two options.

Option 1 – An AliDropship Powered Store

In your search for K-cups, you stumble upon a small shop that specializes in coffee and tea. As you browse their products, you can’t seem to find anything you’re familiar with. A couple of the options look like they may be good, but because you’ve never heard of them, you just can’t be sure. You decide that you’ll place an order and give it a try because the price is reasonable – but then you discover it will take 14 to 21 days to reach you. You immediately close the window and move on.

Option 2 – A Why Unified-Powered Store

After exiting the first store, you see a beautiful ad in your Facebook feed advertising a shop very similar to the one you just left. You still haven’t found your K-cups, so you decide to take a look. One of the first things you see are Starbucks Pumpkin Spice K-cups, and you’re surprised to see that the price is actually a bit lower than you might have paid on Amazon. After adding a couple of boxes to your cart, you head to checkout, and you’re thrilled to discover they will be on your doorstep in just two days. Not only do you immediately buy the K-cups, but you bookmark that store for the next time you want to buy coffee or tea. The selection is great, the price is right, and you feel good because you’re supporting a small business.  You immediately tell your friends and family about your find, and they decide to purchase from that shop, too.

The difference between the two experiences tells you everything you need to know about how Why Unified is changing the landscape when it comes to dropshipping. It gives you everything you need to succeed, and it helps you avoid all the pitfalls that keep so many dropshippers from achieving success. For just $1,499 a month, you can build a profitable e-commerce store that requires little to no work on your end.