The term income can remain understood as the profit or profit that is obtain from something. National, meanwhile, is what is l tinkedo a nation (country, town, community).
The idea of national income refers to the income generated by the factors of production of country in give period.
Not counting those services or intermediate goods that are used in the framework of the production process.
The most common method to calculate the national income is to add all the goods and final services in a year. Intermediate goods are avoid because otherwise they would be count twice.
When performing the calculation every year, it is possible to estimate whether the economy of the country in question grows or, on the contrary, contracts.
More about National income
You can also know how the distribution of income is made and what is the contribution of each productive sector to the national economy.
It is an instrument of great value to carry out the analysis of the result of the economic process, specifically by measuring the number of goods and services that a country has served over a year.
When the national income is calculate, the expenses of the State in goods and services are generally include.
But not the funds that are Desting to private citizens (such as pensions or pensions). On the other hand, net exports (derive from total exports minus total imports) usually taken into account.
National income can use for consumption, investment, or savings. Most of the national income aim at the consumption of products and services: that , it spent. The rest is investing to generate future income or save without being destine for any productive purpose.
We talk about investment precisely when the savings represent by national income using to acquire goods that then apply to production.
The consumer, meanwhile, aims to meet the diverse needs of the various players in the economy and associate with the concept of ‘expenditure,’ as we mention in the previous paragraph.
The destination has the portion of the national income that not consume or investing in the export to foreign countries.
In this case it’s necessary to distinguish between two types of economy: a closed one,.
In which investing amounts to saving, since the savings destined to the purchase of capital goods inevitably becomes an investment; an open one, which contemplates the export and import of goods, and where saving and investment are not usually equivalent.
The equation in which the latter case can remain seen as follows: (GDP – C) – I = X – M. Let’s see what each variable corresponds to:
GDP is the gross domestic product, that is, the magnitude with which we can express the value in money.
The production that a country carries out over a given period (usually one year) of products and services.
- C is the total consumption, which includes both public and private.
- I represents the whole of public and private investment.
- X expresses the value of the total exports of the country.
- M is the total Imports carry out throughout the period.
It’s also possible to say that saving (A) the GDP less consumption, so the above equation may remain express as follows: A – I = X – M.