Since the beginning of the global network it has been becoming better. Front-End frameworks have become an important step forward in website activities. So, in this article, I’ll help you to build a Single Page Application using AngularJS. Meanwhile, sprint planning template helps you in Manage all your development team’s work in one place.
What is a Single Page Application?
AngularJS is a famous JavaScript framework for building useful web applications. Many studies have shown that it became generally adopted today. What do you know about SPA? A single page application is a web application that sets on a single page. As well as all your code JS, HTML, CSS is improved with single page content. Furthermore, navigation between pages is made without restoring the full page.
To put it simply, Gmail would be an excellent example of a SPA. You will notice you have all your costs on the left such as Inbox, Spam, Snoozed and so on which don’t reload the page you’re on but develop a particular element of the page. In this situation when you’re in your inbox and click on a mail, it begins up in a special section not reloading the whole page.
Benefits of Single Page Applications
Now, I recommend you to read a few advantages of Single Page Applications.
- Updated user undergoes.
- Key splitting can be made to divide the bundles into various parts.
- Web pages stimulate more activity as working with less bandwidth while staying is done.
- The placement of an application – index.html, CSS bundle, and JavaScript bundle – in the world grows more friendly.
Why Develop a SPA Using AngularJS?
Now, many JavaScript applications are accessible in the business and related to Ember.js, and Backbone.js. It’s no secret that a lot of web applications involve AngularJS in their development to build SPAs.
Several ideas as for why AngularJS is a clear champion:
Navigation among web pages developed using AngularJS is quite simple when associated with those that are created utilizing other JavaScript frameworks. The directives prepared in AngularJS are slight, so the performance metrics of AngularJS are important.
It is often said that once the application is created using AngularJS, mechanical testing could be done for a class to help to apply elements. However, there are a variety of factors to consider when building an app. Testing the app is equally important, so the test automation tool is the best UI test automation tool for android apps.
Support for the Browser
You will notice, AngularJS is held in most of the browsers as well as IE version 9 and above. It can transfer to work change to operate on mobiles, pads, and computers too.
Data Binding
Additionally, AngularJS maintains two-way data binding, whenever the model is renewed, the view also gets replaced as AngularJS follows MVC architecture.
So, the data can be observed by a user, based on his or her choices.
Many people claim that AngularJS helps agility which means that it can provide new applications from businesses as and when they come up into aggressive work conditions. The controllers can be completed in the MVC architecture to service these applications. You should remember, there are about 30000 modules in AngularJS, that are easily accessible for fast application development.
Moreover, there are a lot of contributors and specialists in AngularJS, hence you would get immediate answers to any questions that you post on discussion panels.
How to Develop a Single Page Application Using AngularJS?
Step 1: Develop a Module
You will be lucky to read this point, here are the different steps required in developing a SPA using AngularJS. In fact, AngularJS develops MVC architecture. So, every AngularJS application includes a module including controllers and services.
Step 2: Specify easy control unit
Step 3: Involve AngularJS writing in HTML code
You should define the module in the ng-app characteristic and a controller in the ng-controller property.
Step 4: Use AngularJS’s routing abilities to add various views to our SPA
You need to include an Angular-route script after the main Angular script. In this regard, you need to use the ngRoute that is commended to allow routing.
Step 5: Create an HTML purpose for the website
Once an HTML purpose for the website is built, you need to use the ng-view directive to define the place where the HTML of every page will be stored in your organization.
Step 6: Use routeProvider help from ngRoute module to configure the navigation to different perspectives
It’s necessary to establish a templateURL and a controller for a specific way that you want to add. Complaint treatment has to be presented when a user tries to recall a program that doesn’t exist.
Step 7: Create controllers for each route defined in routeProvider
Step 8: Configure the pages
Step 9: Add sections to the HTML that will help in operating to the configured pages
Step 10: Add the HTML of routing pages to index.html file using a script tag
So, I hope you can create a simple SPA as described at this point. Once you get the output happily, you can try out complex SPAs on the same lines.
Just to summarize the main points again. I hope you liked this article “How to Make a Single Page Application Using AngularJS.” I decided to explain the most important points, which can help you. As you can see, a single-page web application is very natural and simple to build and use. I also recommended you to take a look at a few reasons why AngularJS is a clear champion.
I hope with all my heart you enjoyed this topic and picked a lot of interesting information, which will help in your future development. Thanks for your attention, enjoy your life, and stay safe!