What Is a Time Tracker for Work and Why Do You Need It?


Increasing profitability, improving productivity levels, optimizing business operations, etc. All of these sound familiar? Well, they should – they are the most common goals of every business owner. Getting to them means elevating every aspect of your organization. And who wouldn’t want that?

While there are many tools and techniques which can get you there, one stands out from the others, and it’s a time tracker for work. In this article, we’ll explore what this tool is, how it works, and why your business needs it.

Why you need a time tracker

What Is a Time Tracker, and How Does It Work?

Time tracker, or a time tracking software (timesheet app) is a tool most commonly used to track time on employees’ assignments.

It’s made out of two separate pieces: an agent and a dashboard. The dashboard is usually web-based, and it’s a place where you get to see all the information about projects, tasks, your employees’ activities, and so on. An agent is a piece of software your employees use on their computers. It’s a timer that often has a clock-in/out button, brake button, and a list of projects and tasks.

Each time your employees start working on something, they click the timer on the appropriate assignment, and a time tracker for work tracks their activities during this time. It sees which apps your team is using, as well as which websites they’re visiting. If you want to, you can turn on a screenshot feature, which will give you a proof of work.

The software can also calculate productivity based on labels you put on apps and sites. Every time your employees use a new one, you’ll be prompted to review it and marked it as productive, neutral, or unproductive. Then, the software does it’s magic and creates a productivity report for you on an individual or organizational level.

What Can It Do for You?

By now, you’re probably aware that this software can help you improve your team’s productivity. Based on productivity data, you can see in which areas your employees have issues, whether they need more training, if maybe you’re understaffed, and then act accordingly.

Of course, that’s not the only benefit of a time tracker for work. The tool can help you optimize the time spent on projects, minimize non-billable hours, and speed up the whole project process.

Additionally, it can help you maintain a transparent and trusting relationship with your clients. It does this in a couple of ways. The first one is you delivering what you promised. Since the software can store the data from up to two years ago, you’ll have plenty of information to use for project estimation. On the other hand, depending on the tracker you select, you might have an option to let your clients access their project’s data. It’s a great way to stay transparent, but it also means clients don’t have to call you every day to check how the project is progressing.

With time tracking software, you’ll be able to track employees’ attendance somewhat, and provide them with accurate payments for hours worked without the fear of miscalculating anything. Also, it will be way more comfortable for you to manage project budgets since the software helps you track them as well.

What Should You Do Now?

There are tons of different apps for tracking employees’ time at work, so we recommend you get to work and start researching different reviews. Think about what you want to achieve before you select the apps to test – this way; you’ll choose those with features that can help you out.

Additionally, we urge you to use the free trial option to the maximum, click on every button, contact support, figure out how everything works precisely before you decide to pay for the software.