5 Reasons Why a Good Employer Should Offer Good Healthcare Benefits


When some business, regardless of size or industry, can provide workers with a competitive healthcare benefits package, they can easily attract the top talent, develop quality relationships with workers, and offer their workers a much better quality of life. When it comes to creating the right benefits package, there are several factors to keep in mind.

5 Reasons Why a Good Employer Should Offer Good Healthcare Benefits

All employers, especially those who own a small business, may find it challenging to provide benefits that employees want, such as paid overtime or health insurance, it’s still an endeavor worth trying to achieve. In the previous year, changes to the federal rules have made it more difficult for a business to know.

What type of benefits they can provide to their workers.

While it’s smart to learn about DPC Healthcare and other plans available, it is difficult to administer and choose the right ones. When a job seeker is evaluating various employment offers, they will emphasize the benefits offered by one employer over another. A recent survey from Aflac showed that up to 60 percent of all employees would take a job that offers lower pay but more benefits.

If a corporation wants to attract top talent, they have to offer a competitive benefits package. Hang onto reading to learn more about creating an employee benefits package that will help businesses improve employee morale and remain competitive in the job market.

Understanding Employer-Sponsored Benefits

The phrase “employer-sponsored benefits” is something that refers to a non-cash compensation that a company can give to their employees. It is these benefits that will provide for an employees’ well-being.

There are some benefits, like workers’ compensation, health insurance, and Social Security, that have been mandated by state and federal law.

However, most are voluntary. Additional benefits options such as an employee health program, travel or education stipends, and other fringe benefits may make a company even more attractive to a potential employee.

Workers who are happier and more secure are also more productive. According to a reading conducted by the University of Warwick, a happy employee is going to perform their jobs up to 12% better, while dissatisfied and stressed workers are going to perform up to 10% worse.

By offering benefits for a business’s full-time employees proves that employers are invested in their worker’s health and the lives they have outside of the office. For most workers,

The right benefits will offer a springboard to ensure they can do their jobs well.

  1. Attract Better Qualified Job Candidates

A company can attract the best-qualified employee by providing access to employer-sponsored benefits. Keep in mind, though; not all companies provide benefit packages. If you don’t, the ability to find qualified job candidates may be challenging at the least.

The two most commonly offered benefits for employees include health insurance and paid vacations. Since these benefits are so common, many employees expect and value health insurance options and paid vacation time when they are offered a full-time position. While this is true, up to 25% of full-time workers, don’t have access to benefits.

  1. It’s Essential for Job Satisfaction

Employees are going to find more job satisfaction in a position where they are provided with a quality health insurance plan. In the U.S., any company that has 50 or more employees working full-time is required to offer insurance.

  1. Meet the Needs of All Employees

A business needs to recognize that workers need different types of benefits. The needs they have depended on certain factors, such as their gender, age, number of dependents, and other factors. Finding the right mix and balance of benefits will help ensure that employees get what they want and need. This leads to higher levels of productivity now and in the future.

  1. Positive Dialogue is Possible with Good Communication Between Employers and Employees

A positive dialogue will help ensure that a full-time employee receives the benefits they want and need. Almost 23% of workers have stated they have neutral feelings or aren’t satisfied with the benefits they currently receive. Of this group of employees, more than half have stated that these feelings are because they want more benefits than what they currently have.

When a company’s HR team works to encourage clear and regular conversations about the benefits offered and put an effective feedback system in place, employees have an outlet to express how they feel and their concerns related to benefits, rather than having to “stew” in frustration of eventually quitting their job.

If a business is using employee resource groups, it’s best to use them to determine what employees want. It doesn’t make sense to make a policy that employees don’t see any value in. The benefit options need to be a part of the bigger conversation.

  1. Satisfied and Qualified Workers

When employers try to be communicative, receptive, and flexible regarding the benefits they offer employees. Both the business and the full-time worker will profit. Even a small business, which may not be able to afford the benefit options usually, can work to negotiate customized and creative plans and investigate other supplementary benefits.

In the end, the goal for employer-sponsored benefits will be to increase the bond that is present between the employee and where they work. Ensuring workers have access to benefits, such as health insurance, may seem like a technical and expensive process, but employees deserve to know that the place where they work values them.

Finding a Balance

When it comes to result in the right benefits for workers, there are more than a few factors to consider. Actuality informed is the best way to ensure that workers are happy, satisfied in their positions and that they remain productive. While this may look like a difficult task, especially for smaller businesses, it is worth the investment.

Take some time to shop rates around to ensure that the desired results are achieved. In most cases, employees are going to appreciate that their boss is making an effort. And provide them with the benefits that would be offered by more significant and more profitable businesses they may have sought a position at in the past.