Hygienic Measures That Will Help Keep Your Company Coronavirus-Free


With lockdown procedures easing across the country, companies are beginning the process of re-opening their doors to customers. Many are taking a phased approach, starting with curbside services and easing into customers entering the building. Here we’ll look at some ideas for coronavirus free companies are implementing in their coronavirus re-opening plans.

HygienKeep Your Company Coronavirus-Free

Disinfecting Surfaces

One of the key components to stopping the spread of coronavirus is sanitizing surfaces where the virus may live. For many businesses, this has meant upping their cleaning procedures to include disinfecting. Every surface that may spread the virus must be sanitized regularly, which has been a learning curve for some businesses. Dance studios, for example, can hold classes again but must sanitize their floors. Some are meeting the challenge by using rental floor scrubbers between classes, while others are hiring out the cleaning. Some businesses have even removed fabric-covered furniture and other hard-to-clean items from their facilities to keep customers safer and help with daily disinfecting.

Limiting Hours and People

Changing hours of service is another big way companies are tackling the challenge of keeping their spaces safe for customers. Reducing hours gives employees a chance to clean public spaces. Thoroughly every day or time for outside cleaning services to come in. Many are also taking the approach of only allowing a set number of people in the building at a time. Including both customers and staff. This is done to allow for proper social distancing to remain in effect even while people get back to their normal routines.

Asking Customers to Help

To keep germs outside their doors as much as possible, some businesses are recruiting their customers to help. Most commonly, this looks like asking customers to follow social distancing protocols, wear masks, and sanitize their hands at the doors. It’s a small change, but according to the CDC, hand sanitizer can have a big effect on controlling the spread of germs when soap and water aren’t available. Other ways businesses have made it possible for customers to help is by offering curbside pickup. And delivery and asking them to use these services whenever possible. These small changes are easy to make, and mostly, customers seem happy to help in any way they can.

Staying Home and Getting Tested

Beside with the rest of the world, companies are staying coronavirus-free by urging customers. And staff to stay home if they’re sick. Many business websites and Facebook pages have featured friendly posts explaining the symptoms of coronavirus. And gently requesting that customers with these symptoms get tested. Along the same lines, many companies are tracking their employees’ temperatures daily, as reported by the NY Times. This is being done in hopes of catching this first sign of coronavirus, both to get the employee medical treatment, and to prevent it from spreading to staff and customers.

It’s a brave new world we’re living in—the likes of which most of us have never seen in our life. And, hopefully, will never see again. Company owners, employees, and customers are on the same team, and working together can help control the spread of coronavirus in public spaces. These ten hygienic measures can provide a guide for everyone from company to keep coronavirus-free, CEO’s to everyday customers wanting to support their community by shopping locally.