How Intertwined Should Your Marketing Be with Your Output?


While your marketing serves as a way to guide your audiences toward your actual output, you don’t want these two aspects of your business to be too different. This sounds strange when they serve fundamentally different purposes, but if people feel as though they’ve been misled by your marketing, that might make a poor first impression.

So, your marketing has to ride the line between being an effective advert that helps to drum up enthusiasm and also setting expectations for what’s to come if they decide to pursue your brand.

A Seamless Transition

It might help to think of your marketing as being the first step of your customer experience. If you don’t think of it as being inherently distinct, that might help you to visualize the kind of role that you want your marketing to have. It goes without saying that you still want this content to function as effective marketing – appealing and enticing in just the ways that it should – but it should also feel as though your audience members move from this to your web pages and not feel as though there is much distinction. The experience should become more personalized as it goes along, with each step bringing the customer closer to your brand and closer to what they’re hoping to get out of the interaction.

Consistent in Tone and Quality

The actual content of what your marketing consists of isn’t the only thing that audiences might expect to be present when they arrive at your actual website. If the color schemes and imagery that you use in your marketing don’t match what is found on your app or website, that could create a clash that puts people off or confuses your marketing, but the considerations that you make should run even deeper than that.

If your marketing puts an emphasis on the kind of quality that you’re dedicated to or a certain level of prestige, the way that your website is designed should reflect this. If these audiences arrive to find that you’re utilizing the latest, top-of-the-line API technology to improve the experience, they can see that you’re committed to keeping your word. To meet this end, doing some research on what you can expect from the performance of Postman vs Insomnia can help you to get started.

Promises and Suggestion

What you want to avoid is a situation where you’re making promises (or even just suggestions) in your marketing that are designed to entice audiences without being things that you intend to make good on. This doesn’t mean that you should undersell yourself; there is likely plenty of good reason to talk about your central service in a way that makes people curious to investigate it. However, you want to build this excitement and enthusiasm around the facts. The core pillars of what you’re offering your customers are going to stick in their minds as they head towards engaging with your brand, and so they naturally have to be in place when they get there.