What is Franchise? Key Elements to Choose a Franchise.



The word franchise has multiple uses, although it must be said that all meanings are related.

This is, for example, the permission that gives someone the right to exploit a product, a brand, or an activity. A company can give this concession to one or more individuals in a specific area.

When buying the franchise, the person can exploit it commercially but respecting a series of terms and conditions.

In this way, it benefits by having a business that is usually recognized by consumers.

The franchises retain the same quality of products and services in all their branches.

McDonald’s fast-food store is one of the best-known franchises and guarantees that the customer will have the same type of food in any of its restaurants worldwide.
Mcdonald's Franchise
The franchiser is the one who grants the franchise to the franchise.

For this, he authorizes him to use the license of a brand and his business methods in exchange for a royalty or a periodic fee.

The NBA teams, for example, are franchises.

Unlike the clubs that exist in most of the planet, these teams are brands whose owner can sell them or move them from one city to another.

The objective of an NBA franchise, therefore, is to obtain sporting success, but also economic benefits.

On the other hand, a franchise is an exception with which it benefits someone by avoiding the payment of the corresponding rights.

To the products that it enters or exits the country, or by the usufruct of a certain service of public scope.

It also known as a franchise at the minimum cost of the damage that the insure agrees to cover when signing an insurance contract.
Franchise Business

Keys to choosing the franchise

When you want to start up a business or project, choose the right name to get a good promotion of it.

And therefore, success in such an endeavor, is essential. Many tips can be useful for such action, and here we present some of them.

Before starting, we must bear in mind that investment is a priority when setting up a company, but it is also important to know how to look to the future.

And know what bustle or sector in market will have an assured space in the commercial world and what brand. You can have success moderately assured.
For this, it essential that the entrepreneur is inform in detail and not swift by fashions; having access to data.

From the market study is essential to be able to consider a feasible endeavor.

The possibilities of the entrepreneur when choosing a franchise are many, and with the economic crisis has become more flexible.

financing projects that involve the security of success, especially those that are back by prestigious brands.

In a franchise, investment one of the starting points that must remain contemplate and analyzed in detail.

It must be adjusted to the needs of the entrepreneur, since it may depend on him to carry out his business plans.

In any case, one of the most common tips is to have at least 30% of its resources to avoid becoming overly indebted.

On the other hand, the business for the business does not work; it’s necessary to feel attracted to the sector to be able to collect achievements

That go beyond the economic and inspire consumer safety.


The entrepreneur must know the peculiarities of the system; for example, if a store set up within a chain, the possibilities of getting ahead

Are greater when starting to  part of an already accredited business, reducing the risks.

However, it has disadvantages such as freedom cutting, since certain rules must remain track at initially of the association

And the owner of a store does not have the power to make changes, however appropriate.
Therefore, it is important to be responsive of all the responsibilities that are acquire, such as payment for royalties.

the conditions of assistance, the forecast of results, and everything concerning the new venture.

Knowing how to choose the sector and the brand is key to start at a hasty pace and manifest an irrevocable growth; surely.

The strongest sectors are those of aesthetics and restoration.

The least recommendable are those that can ensure temporary success, as is the case of real estate, which in recent.