To regulate the etymological origin of the two main words that shape the term, we have to go to Latin. Thus, in this language, we find the fact that the plan comes from the word planus that can live translated as “flat.” Meanwhile, contingency emanates from the contingent plan concept that Remian the result of the union of three parts: the prefix with – which equivalent to “meeting”, the verb tangere that synonymous with “touching” and finally the suffix – encia that can determined that its meaning is equal to “quality”. A contingency plan is a type of plan preventive,…
Author: marketing2business
The statement that reflects how much cash keeps someone after expenses, interest, and capital payments. The expression that in the field of Accounting is known as cash flow statement, therefore, is a type of accounting parameter that provides information about the movements that have been made in a certain period of money or any of its equivalents. Operating activities, investments, and financing are part of the categories contemplated in the framework of the cash flow statement. The operational cash flow indicates the cash received or invested as a result of the company’s basic activities. The cash flow of investment does…
The RPI Retail Price Index or CPI consumer price index is an average of the prices of different consumer goods and services that are used to calculate inflation. The CPI changes are expressed as a percentage, with positive changes indicating an acceleration of inflation and negative changes that show deflation. The world’s major central banks, such as the Federal Reserve or the Bank of England, have inflation as their main monetary policy objective. These will use monetary policy tools, such as interest rates, to keep inflation stable. There are other data, in addition to the consumer price index, which is…
A business model, also known as business design, is the planning that a company makes concerning the income and benefits it seeks to obtain. In business models, guidelines are established to follow to attract customers, define product offers, and implement advertising strategies, among many other issues related to the configuration of the company’s resources. When establishing the business model, it is important that the person in question analyze the company in depth and answer a series of questions, since based on the answers, one or the other type of business model can be implemented. In this case, it is important…
Point is a term with multiple meanings: in this case, we are interested in its meaning as a physical place or site. Sale, on the other side, is the process and the result of selling (giving the property of a good to another subject, who will pay a certain price already agreed to keep the product in question) With these definitions in the clear, we can refer to the notion of point of sale. It is the commercial premises in which various products are obtainable for sale. A person who wants to buy something, therefore, can approach a point of…
Definition of Net Profit. The utility is the interest or benefits you get from something. The concept comes from the Latin utilities, which means “useful quality.” In particular, we can add that it is made up of the following parts: “uti,” which is synonymous with “being able to be used”; “-Ilis,” which is indicative of “possibility” and the suffix “-dad,” which is equivalent to “quality.” This term was widely used in the field of economics and finance to name the gain that is achieved from a good investment . This means that if a person invests $ 1,000 in the…
Definition The word tax has its origin in the Latin term impositus. The concept refers to the tax that is recognized, and it’s required according to the economic capacity of those who are not relieved from paying it. The guerrilla or terrorist groups, on the other hand, usually talk about the revolutionary taxes to refer to a system that allows gaining financing through extortion and threats. It has the particularity of not being based on a certain or direct consideration by the claimant. Its objective is to finance the expenses of the creditor, which is generally the State. The taxpaying…
The tax special indirect taxes are applied character on the consumption of certain goods or services (such as alcohol or hydrocarbons). They are linear with no relation to disposable income. Special taxes are taxes that have a specific application because they only affect a certain group of goods and services that, given their characteristics or effects, are chosen by the government or the tax authority to be subject to a particular tax. Characteristics of excise taxes Excise taxes have the following basic characteristics: Indirect : they fall on consumption, which is an indirect expression of a person’s wealth Real :…
It is now possible to see what digital marketing trends in 2019, that include certain developments in a context in which paid media is acquiring a vital boom, the programmatic purchase tries to overcome the stumbling block of the General Regulation of Data Protection and the artificial intelligence advances in a silent but implacable way. The new technologies and the most cutting-edge technological developments set the tone for a year, 2019, which is full of new features. Marketing professionals are eager to embrace many of the new ways of understanding digital advertising, aware that we are entering a new era…
Marketing is the discipline that is dedicated to developing strategies for the commercial management of companies, seeking to stimulate demand. Marketing tasks include the analysis of consumer and market behavior. International, on the other hand, is an adjective that refers to what belongs to or relates to two or more nations. The term also allows naming countries different from one’s own and to those that have transcended national borders. Then, what is international marketing? It involves the application of marketing strategies in a different environment to one’s own. The specialist must interact with cultures and realities that are alien to…