That is customary to mention or cite as GDP corresponds to an acronym that summarizes the expression of Gross Domestic Product, a concept extended in numerous countries such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product). It is a notion that encompasses the total production of services and goods of a nation during a certain period, expressed in a monetary amount or price. In deepening the importance of GDP, it is noted that it’s intended by a national accounting and only encompasses the products and services that emerged in the framework of the formal economy (that is, it ignores what is known as…
Author: marketing2business
The notion of administration can refer to the structure, operation, and performance of an entity. A company, on the other hand, is an organization that has dedicated to developing productive or commercial tasks to obtain economic gains. Business administration, in this way, is linked to the management of this type of organization. It is a set of precepts, rules, and practices that seek to optimize the use of resources for the company to achieve its objectives. It is important to keep in mind that business administration can be considered as a science. It is a university career that has linked…
A niche is a concavity that is used to place something. It can be an opening in a wall to deposit a vase, a statue or other decorative element. It is also the concavity formed to place the coffins in a cemetery. For example: “I have to go to renew the niche of the grandfather,” “With that lifestyle, it will not take long to end up in a niche.” Nor can we ignore the fact that there is a natural space called El Nicho, which has become one of the best exciting and beautiful attractions and charms that exists in…
The word monopoly mentions to a definite market situation. In it, a producer or seller is the only one who exploits a good or a service, which gives it great power and gives it a privileged position. Some examples where the term appears: «The telephone service was for years in the hands of a monopoly that charged abusive rates, » «If this company goes bankrupt, consumers will be left at the mercy of a monopoly, » «The government accused the newspaper of wanting to develop a monopoly.” A monopoly exists when in the market economy there is a single seller…
A micro business or micro-enterprise is a small company. Its definition varies according to each country, although, in general, it can be said that a micro-enterprise has a maximum of ten employees and limited turnover. On the other hand, the owner of the micro-enterprise usually works in it. The creation of a micro company can be the first step of an entrepreneur when it comes to organizing a project and take it forward. By formalizing their activity through a company, the entrepreneur has the possibility of accessing credit, having retirement contributions, and having social work, for example. It’s vital to…
Market research, an investigation consists of carrying out different diligence to discover something. The concept also allows naming the search for knowledge and the realization of intellectual and experimental activities to increase the information on a certain subject. Mercado, on the other hand, is the social environment that enables the exchange of goods and services. It is an institution where sellers and buyers establish a commercial link to carry out exchanges, transactions, and agreements. The market research, is the process that allows knowing the commercial operation. This procedure must be systematic (with a pre-established plan), organized (specifying the details related…
A Investment project is a set of coordinated and interrelated activities that try to fulfill a specific purpose. In general, a period and a budget for the fulfillment of this purpose is recognized, which is why it is a concept very similar to a plan or program. An investment, on the other hand, is the placement of capital to obtain a future profit. This means that, when investing, an immediate benefit is resigned to an unlikely one. An investment project, therefore, is a proposal for action that, based on the use of available resources, considers it possible to obtain profits.…
The etymology of the active word leads us to actīvus, a Latin word. The term fixed asset can be used as a noun or as an adjective: in this case, we are interested in its meaning as a noun, naming the good or right that has a financial value and a subject or a company own that. Fixed, on the other hand, is an adjective that can be used to qualify what is established according to certain parameters or standards or to what is established, consolidated or that does not vary. With these ideas in mind, we can advance in…
Before it starts the definition of the term financial projection, it is important that we proceed to know the etymological origin of the two words that shape it. Projection derives from Latin, more specifically from “protection”, which can be translated as “action and the effect of throwing something forward.” Financier, on the other hand, emanates from the French “financier,” which is equivalent to “paying a debt” and which, in turn, comes from the Latin “finis” (end). The notion of projection is used in different ways. In this case, we are intent in its meaning as that planning or forecast that…
The term entrepreneurship is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). It is about the effect of the undertaking, a verb that refers to carrying out work or business. Entrepreneurship is usually a project that develops with effort and facing various difficulties, with the resolution of reaching a certain point. The most common use of the concept appears in the field of economics and business. In this case, an enterprise is an initiative of an individual that assumes an economic risk or that invests resources in taking advantage of an opportunity offered by the market. The…