Author: marketing2business

Have you ever thought of how huge are the volumes of information your business produces and operates on a daily basis? Starting from tens of new contacts joining the list of potentially convertible customers, or piles of important emails you receive from your business partners and collaborators — ending with voluminous reports, various archives and client databases being constantly updated with new pieces. Now, what if, say, a third of this information is deleted in the event of an accident, like a severe power surge, system failure, malware activity, or unanticipated hard disk breakdown? How will that affect your workflow?…

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AI seems to be the next big thing in marketing, or at least that’s what everybody’s claiming nowadays. There is no hesitation that such technology can revolutionize marketing processes, but it does come at a cost. Here are some facts you should keep in mind before you take the next big step.  #1 Prepare the Budget Jumping into AI and the world of new technology can seem too tempting at times. But the initial excitement wears off once you sum up all the expenses that come along with integrating machine learning in your business. Before you start planning the next…

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Size isn’t everything as far as the internet is concerned as the digital space gives a much smaller business the sort of opportunities to compete that wasn’t there when everyone went to the shopping mall instead. Ask a Chicago digital agency, for instance, and they will no doubt tell you that even a relatively modest marketing budget can get you a lot of online exposure if you spend your money wisely and utilize a few net SEO tricks to help you compete against the big boys. Here are Five Worthwhile SEO Pointers to Consider. Take advantage of your size Huge…

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When you’re running a business, you want to be as profitable and successful as possible. Sometimes that means optimizing your workflow software for your business by outsourcing more. You can outsource more than just a help desk or call centre. There are marketing and research, IT, human resources, accounting and so much more. Here are eight reasons to outsource. 1. Increase Productivity Your employees can experience a boost in productivity when you implement outsourcing. For example, instead of hiring more employees to handle your consulting and marketing strategies, you can hire data consulting firms like AArete to take on the…

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The economy can be framed within the social sciences group since it is dedicated to the study of productive and exchange procedures, and the analysis of the consumption of goods (products) and services. The word comes from the Greek and means “administration of a house or family. The new definition of economic science, if we consider economic science, is a stream that analyzes how human beings meet their unlimited needs with scarce needs that have a different purpose. If any resource use for the production of a specific good or service, it’s assuming the cost of not actuality able to…

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As the world continues to experience the positive effects in Digitization, the Iraq government is already reaping the benefits and plans to realize its full potential come 2030. Iraq is still shaking the negative effects of war, and a lot of weighty decisions need to be done to help the country stabilize economically. Some of the country’s focus is embracing digital transformation not only to create jobs but to strengthen the economy and tap the international market. In recent years, Iraq has been collaborating with various foreign countries to help in the reconstruction process. Nowadays, when you go around the…

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Increasing profitability, improving productivity levels, optimizing business operations, etc. All of these sound familiar? Well, they should – they are the most common goals of every business owner. Getting to them means elevating every aspect of your organization. And who wouldn’t want that? While there are many tools and techniques which can get you there, one stands out from the others, and it’s a time tracker for work. In this article, we’ll explore what this tool is, how it works, and why your business needs it. What Is a Time Tracker, and How Does It Work? Time tracker, or a…

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With the flow of flourishing businesses, entrepreneurs have to come up with the most effective methods on how to encourage a customer to find and purchase their products. And it can be a challenging task, especially at present, in the times of the dominant rat race, when everyone wants to reign supreme. The competition has never been higher than now. To attract potential clients, it’s not enough to sell good-quality products since others may offer similar goods even at a lower price. What then? To stand out from the crowd, you need to be original and promote your business in…

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Investment banking is an exclusive banking sector which is specifically related to creating capital for companies, governments, and other business entities. The concept of banking has several uses. One of them refers to all banking sectors and bankers. The bank, therefore, can refer to the entities that are dedicated to facilitating financing. Investment Banking On the other hand, it is an economic concept linked to the placement of capital to achieve a future profit. This means that the investor resigns an immediate benefit for a future one that is unlikely, but in principle, should be greater than the current one. The investment includes three main…

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It’s hard to imagine a business strategy without conducting proper competitive research. If you aren’t familiar with your opponents in business, it will be impossible to understand who is the greatest threat, how to defeat your opponents, and where you should concentrate your efforts. Competitive business research helps develop the company’s promotion strategy and be one step ahead of your opponents. Usually, customers surf the Internet to find feedback about services or products they are offered. That means you need to hire a good marketing team who will be in charge of your promotion on the Internet. Even students don’t…

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