The tax special indirect taxes are applied character on the consumption of certain goods or services (such as alcohol or hydrocarbons). They are linear with no relation to disposable income. Special taxes are taxes that have a specific application because they only affect a certain group of goods and services that, given their characteristics or effects, are chosen by the government or the tax authority to be subject to a particular tax. Characteristics of excise taxes Excise taxes have the following basic characteristics: Indirect : they fall on consumption, which is an indirect expression of a person’s wealth Real :…
Author: marketing2business
It is now possible to see what digital marketing trends in 2019, that include certain developments in a context in which paid media is acquiring a vital boom, the programmatic purchase tries to overcome the stumbling block of the General Regulation of Data Protection and the artificial intelligence advances in a silent but implacable way. The new technologies and the most cutting-edge technological developments set the tone for a year, 2019, which is full of new features. Marketing professionals are eager to embrace many of the new ways of understanding digital advertising, aware that we are entering a new era…
Marketing is the discipline that is dedicated to developing strategies for the commercial management of companies, seeking to stimulate demand. Marketing tasks include the analysis of consumer and market behavior. International, on the other hand, is an adjective that refers to what belongs to or relates to two or more nations. The term also allows naming countries different from one’s own and to those that have transcended national borders. Then, what is international marketing? It involves the application of marketing strategies in a different environment to one’s own. The specialist must interact with cultures and realities that are alien to…
One of my friends recently settled in the United States has asked me for online shopping sites in the United States. I said some reliable websites for online shopping. Actually, I was worried about many crooked shopping sites, and as a blogger and a continuous consumer of technology, I told him some of the best and most reliable online shopping sites. So, after this reference, I decided to write an article about websites to buy online in the USA. Are you looking for websites to buy online in the USA? Let’s take a look at the leading online shopping sites…
Case Study The fundamental objective of the case studies is to know and understand the particularity of a situation to distinguish how the parties work and the relationships with the whole. Definition of case study Case study is the set of actions that are executed to know the market response (Target (demand) and suppliers, competition (offer)) before a product or service. Supply and demand are analyzed, as well as prices and distribution channels. The objective of any case study must be to end up having a clear vision of the characteristics of the product or service that you want to…
For any online business, whether small, medium or large, traffic is everything or almost everything. It happens that without web traffic there are no conversions . That is, there are no sales. It’s like having a place open 24 hours a day and not a single person. Is it possible to sell if no one enters the business? Impossible. As it is also impossible to sell without getting web traffic . What do big brands do? They pay for web traffic through campaigns on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and so on. This is a strategy. Just one. There are many others…
DA (Domain Authority) is a SEO metric developed by which shows authority of a website in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Generally this SEO factor is determined by the number of links or external reference domains that point to the web page in question. It is the relevance of that domain or web page with respect to the rest of world web pages. In other words, it is the popularity of that website on the internet. Domain Authority scores ranges from one to hundred.That is, the more links you get for your web project, the more domain authority you…