All about Fillers


Dermal fillers for the face (derived from the English fill to fill) are gel-like materials of different densities, which are injected under the skin using the finest needles. They are used in modern cosmetology to correct small, medium, deep wrinkles, smooth folds, and fill atrophic scars. In addition, the gel is injected to lift the corners of the mouth, reshape the chin, cheekbones, and cheeks. So, you can achieve a seductive effect and make a sensual curve of the lips, similar to the so-called “Cupid’s bow”.

Fillers have a thick, viscous, plastic consistency, stable structure, and are able to keep their shape for a long time without spreading. The main purpose is rejuvenation, face modeling. They are injected into problem areas where it is necessary to smooth out creases on the face or add volume. 

Application in Cosmetology

Biodegradable hyaluronic materials for contour plastics are considered the most common and safe today. The method of administration of the drug is quite simple, so they are often used in clinics. At the same time, a stable result is provided:

  • they fill in wrinkles, creases, grooves and folds;
  • raising their bottom;
  • making them less pronounced, giving volume to soft tissues. 

The only drawback is considered to be a short period of validity – on average six months, depending on the production technology. Only a few give a lasting effect for up to a year.

Biosynthetic products, the active ingredient of which is poly-L-lactic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite, last twice as long, but the price for such filler injections is higher. The fact is that the introduction of drugs requires special qualifications and a doctor’s practice. So carefully buy fillers online.

Not all options for facial modeling are offered to patients in clinics due to the complex injection technique and the need to take courses abroad. An example is Sculptra, which replaces plastic surgery 100%. Artefill injections based on polymethyl methacrylate microspheres, which give a lasting effect for up to 10 years, are not practiced in clinics. 

How is the Procedure?

A qualified cosmetologist injects the drug to the required depth, depending on the desired effect and the severity of wrinkles. For injections, the thinnest needles (27-30G) are taken. The more noticeable the fold or crease, the deeper the gel material is inserted. At the same time, the use of ultra-thin needles makes it possible to avoid painful sensations during the session and the formation of bruises after. However, such needles deliver only low-density biomaterials under the skin, correcting mild wrinkles and contours.

Moderate skin creases and wrinkles can be smoothed out with denser materials that require slightly thicker needles to insert. Such formulations take longer to dissolve, but during injections, patients often experience discomfort. Some products already include the pain relieving lidocaine (in the amount of 0.3%) or local application anesthesia is performed. The most sensitive areas of the face are the mouth and eyes. 

The procedure takes approximately 15-30 minutes. After injections, there are usually no consequences and no rehabilitation period is required. Occasionally, however, patients in medical clinics develop redness, bruising, swelling, or itching in the treated area. Occasionally, small nodules appear under the skin.

When a wrinkle correction is required, the biomaterial is introduced into the base, fills them from the inside, pushing the soft tissues outward. As a result, the relief in the problem area becomes even and smooth, visual defects are eliminated. To round up the cheeks, change the shape of the chin, nose or cheekbones, biogel is injected subcutaneously, evenly distributing it over the entire area.