6 Tips For Your 2022 Social Media Strategy


Social media provides brands with greater opportunities for connecting with their customers and prospects than ever before. Every business should have a social media presence and be using social as a pillar of their marketing efforts. However, not everyone is comfortable operating with social media, and it can be time-consuming to do it right. However, a little preparation can make things go much smoother. Here are 6 tips for your social media strategy in 2022 that will help you find the success you are looking for. 

Build a Calendar

One of the best things you can do to be prepared for 2022 is to map everything out. Take a look at your marketing plan for the year, along with any release plans you have for new products, or events you might be a part of. Then, map out how you want your social media to play a part. You can schedule tweets and posts to go live at the perfect times to bring awareness of what you have going on. Too many brands do their social media planning as they go, which is actually not planning at all. They end up scrambling because they are not properly prepared to keep up with posting and having solid, relevant content to produce. 

Consider Outsourcing

Social media takes dedication to posting engaging content on a regular basis. For most brands, that should be at least every day. However, for many businesses, this can be a huge time commitment that they aren’t able to make. Rushing through your social media isn’t a great option either, because you will make mistakes and not put out the best content possible. Luckly, you can hire social media services to do it for you. They are experts who can handle as much of your social needs as you want. They can strategize, create content, post, and manage comments and reviews for you. That way you know your social media is being handled by professionals which will boost your other marketing efforts. 

Have a Plan For Each Platform

All social media platforms are different, and attract a different audience. You need to have a strategy so that your content on each platform coincides with who your audience is and what you want to achieve. In fact, you might find that you should focus on certain platforms at the expense of others because your audience is not using something. For instance, teens are not using Facebook at a high level, but middle aged adults are. Each social media platform requires different kinds of posts, so make sure that you plan for content that works on each one that you use. 

Consistency is Key

You should be posting on a regular schedule. That schedule may be different for each platform. For example, Instagram and Twitter are appropriate for multiple posts about a certain subject in a day, and this is true of Stories on Instagram as well. On Facebook, you can post more than once a day, but you only need one post per subject. Being consistent is important, whatever your schedule is. Your audience needs to be able to anticipate and look forward to your content, and you can keep your brand at the top of mind on a regular basis. 

Set Achievable Goals

You should always have goals when it comes to your social media. Set some key performance indicators that will measure whatever it is you want to achieve with your social media. It could be simply that you want to increase your number of followers by a certain percentage. Or, you may want to increase clicks on links to your website content. Whatever your goals are, make sure that they are realistic. Don’t expect gains that are too big right off the bat, however, you can set long-term goals. Track your progress every week and make tweaks and updates if things aren’t working. 

Pivot to Video

Video is more important to social media all the time. Video provides more views and more engagement. Several platforms, including Facebook and Instagram, are offering ways to make it easier than ever to post engaging videos to bring in viewers. Your videos can be anything, depending on who your audience is. You can have funny skits, instructional videos, sales pitches, and more. Placing captions in your videos will also help with viewers who are at work or in other situations where they do not want the volume to be too loud. 

As you can see, social media requires dedication and persistence to be successful. It also needs some forethought and planning. As we move in 2022, you need to do whatever you can to stand out from your competition with your social media. By following these tips, you can craft the best social media strategy possible to bring you the results you want. 

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