4 Ways SaaS Simplifies Your Business Operations and Boosts Your Efficiency


SaaS – Are you still using traditional tools and methods to run your business operations? Things like pen and paper, email, fax, USB drives — even in-person meetings for quick, minor discussions?

If yes, then your team is likely working slower than the optimal level, and you’re bringing in less profit than the maximum figure you can attain.

That’s because you’re not using advanced tools such as Software-as-a-Service ( SaaS ) to streamline your operations and yield greater productivity.

Check out four significant ways SaaS simplifies your operations and boosts your team’s efficiency:

1. You can accomplish tasks faster.

SaaS removes the burden of executing conventionally manual tasks by letting you use electronic tools and digitizing your processes.

Manual tasks often require man-powered tools and workflows. This means your employees work more slowly, productivity is lower, and you reap investment returns later.

Conversely, SaaS automates your repetitive assignments, making them easy and faster to accomplish. As a result, you can focus on tasks requiring human intervention.

Take for example an electronic equipment inspection form versus a paper-based one used by rental companies.

When examining an asset — say, a vehicle — technicians carry around a pen and a piece of paper on a wooden clipboard.

They look at each part while holding the instruments and write now and then. They proceed to an office meters away from the facility to file the report. He puts the paper on the operations manager’s desk — which has piles of other papers, too.

Reports can sometimes get misplaced, requiring the driver or technician to submit another copy. If they noted any required repairs, this request gets delayed, the vehicle stays longer in the shop unused.

On the other hand, digital equipment inspection forms allow drivers to carry a more handy device. They simply finger-tap on the screen and can even take photos and videos.

To submit the report, they only need to hit “send” or any equivalent button. Managers can receive the report instantly, which is stored on the cloud, so the chances of losing it are lower.

Managers can even get alerts for submitted inspection forms. They can check it right away (or later, but without the risk of report loss). This translates to vehicles being repaired (if needed) and used by clients much sooner.

2. You can centralize several tasks.

SaaS is a comprehensive tool. It often comes with numerous related functionalities covering various business aspects. This attribute lets teams accomplish several tasks and get files all in one place.

vcita is one perfect example. It is a tool that takes care of different business operations, such as payment invoicing and processing, appointment setting, contact management, marketing, virtual event organization, and lots more. vcita even has a self-service client portal empowering customers to schedule appointments, pay, and do other things themselves.

Content management platforms are another excellent example. They contain SEO features and other functions supporting content creation, publication, distribution, performance tracking, etc.

With SaaS, you don’t need to install and run multiple tools simultaneously on your screen — which can only lag your devices, confuse your team, and ruin your efficiency.

Centralizing tasks in all-in-one platforms helps you stay focused and on top of your business concerns more easily.

3. You can better collaborate with your team.

SaaS works in a shared environment, often on the cloud. It lets you and your team upload and access files from the same storage location anytime and anywhere.

That prevents you from transferring files via:

  • USB drives (which can be infected by viruses)
  • Email threads (making them confusing and hard to locate later), and
  • Other inefficient methods requiring contacting the other person to get copies or access.

SaaS can even let you work on the same document, whiteboard presentation, and other tools used in your discussion.

Google Documents and Sheets are classic examples. Once your team has access to the same file, you will see who has opened it, who is writing what, and so on.

Team project management platforms are another example. They let you and your team add and assign scheduled tasks, comment, upload files for everyone’s access, discuss updates, chat, and more.

This enables remote collaboration and immediate file editing and progress updating. You don’t need to meet up in person or communicate back and forth to get everyone’s feedback.

4. You can work more securely.

Cloud-based tools often employ robust security mechanisms. For one, SaaS stores files in encrypted forms and, if you have a massive data volume, moves them into several different storages and access points. These make it difficult for hackers to break into your info assets.

Consequently, these make SaaS secure to work on, share files, and use for coordinating with your team. You can continuously discuss and operate without security-related interruptions, including system failures and sudden data losses.

However, it doesn’t mean you don’t need to employ essential security practices. You still do — it’s a standard operating procedure for any company operating on the web.

For instance, you should install and constantly update your firewalls, patches, antivirus and antimalware software, and other applications used in your IT landscape.

You must also frequently back up your code, data, files, and all other digital assets. Use automated instead of traditional, manual methods for this task.

For example, if you developed an app on Microsoft Azure Devops, you can use tools such as Backrightup to run daily automated Azure DevOps backup activities.

Automated backups simplify and relieve your staff of this extra time-consuming burden. It is also surer and more effective since it duplicates all information and changes made.

Remember, human-based backup approaches can commit errors — which you can’t afford to make when it comes to your cybersecurity.

Leverage SaaS now to streamline your business operations

SaaS can go a long way in making your company’s process hyper-efficient through automation and other powerful features.

If you’re not using it, you’re missing out on a lot of productivity benefits. These include lowering your operational costs, maximizing your resources, boosting your competitive edge, etc.

Keep in mind that productivity leads to profitability. The more efficiently you run things (that is, with SaaS), the greater revenue you can generate for your business and improve your performance.